Category Archives: Record Keeping

Tracking and Counting Hours

What Hours Can You Count When You Are Away From Home?

We’ve written about keeping track of your hours ( but what about the hours you spend on business activities away from your home such as shopping for toys, picking up and dropping off children (if you offer that) or even attending seminars and workshops? Continue reading

Thinking of Selling Your Home? What About Taxes?

Will You Owe Taxes When You Sell Your Home?

In Tom Copeland’s recent blog – he talks about what a family child care provider faces in the decision to sell their home by way of taxes.  One tax you can probably avoid and another you cannot.  This will give you the high points, but it is always best to speak with your tax preparer to get the latest on potential tax impacts.

Let’s begin with the tax that you probably can avoid. Continue reading

Are You Deducting All of Your Outdoor Expenses?

In Tom Copeland’s “Taking Care of Business”, he touches on what qualifies as outdoor deductions for child care provider businesses.  Bottom line?  Deduct all the expenses that are designated as “ordinary and necessary” to your business, especially if it is used 100% for your business.   But what about those expenses that are used for business and personal purposes?  They may be deductible, in part, so download our Time-Space Percentage Crib Sheet so you can keep track of those receipts!  Download Crib Sheet here.

Click to access Time-Space-Percentage-crib-sheet.pdf


Seven Record Keeping and Tax Tips for the New Provider

Family child care providers are self-employed taxpayers who must report their business income and expenses to the IRS.  Record keeping is essential in any business – but for child care providers, the devil is in the details.  It is important to become familiar with all of the IRS requirements for filing your taxes. To help you prepare for this, here are seven record keeping and tax tips to help you as you start your new profession. By following these tips you will be better able to organize your records, claim the maximum legal deductions, and reduce your taxes.