Category Archives: Policy and Procedures

LA Child Care Providers Subject of Debate

The LawLawmakers are debating a bill to increase child care vouchers and allow workers to unionize.

For more details go to

CBS – local, Sacramento, and Southern California Public Ratio (SPCR)


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The Baby Name Wizard

For more than 30 years R. Patrick Michael has been preparing tax returns for individuals, small businesses, cottage industries and in-home child care providers. Pat is a recognized child care provider tax expert, and has been providing educational seminars for child care providers in San Diego County for the YMCA Child Resource Services for more than 18 years.  Pat and his team have built a following that is comprised of long-term clients, new relationships and word-of-mouth referrals. Child Care Tax Specialists take care of their clients year-round with tax preparation, business entity creation and support, as well as tax planning for retirement, and estate planning.

NEED HELP?  CALL (619) 589-8680 TODAY!

Why Do You Need Business Liability Insurance?

Homeowner Liability Insurance Will Not Protect You

Do you have business liability insurance?  Do you know why you need business liability insurance?  Because if a child gets hurt, while in your care, you may get sued by the parents if they have an issue with the actions  you took.  I read an article this morning about child care providers and the type of risks your business has.  This article was about liability insurance and what can happen when a child is injured. Continue reading