Scariest Tax Errors – Forbes

CAUTION Audit Alert SignIf you aren’t using a professional tax preparer – you might want to reconsider that decision after reading this post and the articles it links to.  If you needed a reason why you would want to use a professional tax preparer – this is just what you need. If  you know someone who needs a little convincing – send a link to this post.

Let’s start with a great article in Forbes that begins, “Before you file your taxes, consider how long you must look over your shoulder.” (That’s sort of chilling, don’t you think?) They add that tax lawyers and accountants are used to monitoring the duration of their clients’ audit exposure – and so should you.  (Now really … is that something you want to do – or wouldn’t you prefer a tax professional who knows how the IRS functions?)  Here’s the article “The Scariest Tax Errors, They Extend IRS Audits To Six Years Or Endlessly.”

Compound the above with the fact that the Commissioner of the IRS publicly thanked tax preparers for “surviving a very challenging tax season“, and if he thought the season was *challenging* it’s not because it’s easy.   Safe to say the tax code is not going to get easier – so unless you have nerves of steel, do yourself a favor and research professional preparers and go talk to them.

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